Experimental and numerical characterization of the interface between concrete masonry block and mortar


Masonry is a very widespread construction system around the world, with a great history of use in civilization. However, with the advancement of knowledge, the technique of resolution through the finite element methods arises in the field of engineering. Considering the survey of previous research, we can see that a great variety of researches that relate experimental masonry models with finite element solving techniques in commercial software models such as Abaqus. Based on this context, a set of tests was carried out to characterize the masonry elements (test of resistance to compression and stress of blocks, mortar and grout) as well as characterization of the interface between block and mortar (bond wrench test, horizontal joint shear test and compression diagonal). With the results, an analysis was performed considering the values ​​found in the literature regarding each of the tests. In conclusion, the results were satisfactory, in general, for each one of the tests.